Lou Anne Wellford, MD
Bringing True Medical Stories to the Lay Public
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Dr. Lou Anne Wellford has practiced emergency medicine for over thirty years. Early in her career, she served eight years in the US Army. Over her decades in medicine, she has encountered many heartwarming and heart wrenching stories. She has witnessed the physical, emotional and financial impact of an illness or accident on its victims.
As an avid reader, she has always been enthusiastic about great writing. Now, she is excited to bring her passion and expertise to others, allowing a glimpse into the complicated world of medicine. Dr. Wellford has completed her first book about a young woman’s heart transplant and the unlikely relationships that develop as she rebuilds her life. She has begun working on her second book.
The author and her physician husband have raised three children and reside in San Antonio, Texas.

"Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale"
Hans Christian Andersen
July 2021: I'm so excited to announce that I have signed with Jennifer Chen Tran of Bradford Literary. As my agent, she will help me secure a publisher for my first book, currently titled An Unlikely Match: The True Story of Three Hearts, Two Transplants, and One Love.
Podcast with Dr. Jan Bonhoeffer at Heartbasedmedicine.org:
Published interview with Dr. Dr. Jan Bonhoeffer at Thrive Global.
He is the author of Dare To Care––How to Survive and Thrive in Today’s Medical World.
National Donate Life Month: Author Interview by Cristen Iris